Joystick - TryHackMe

TryHackMe, CTF, Linux, Writeups

Happy Hacking! #

alt text

Medium CTF room in TryHackme #

Reconnaissance #

From this we have a potential user “steve”

User Access #

To get user access we can symply brute-force the ssh login with user ‘steve’ and use rockyou password list

Privilege Escalation #

Actually to get the root.txt in this machine, we don’t really need to escalate our privilege. It is because the root.txt is stored in other user’s home directory. yet we are still going to do it for the fun of it.

Sorry for no Screenshot of the crontab, it is just my machine was so slow.

here is the edited and the shell we get alt text

So, thats all, yea thx hhh,,